Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Response to March prompt: Where have you had a spiritual experience?

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 "Northwest Coast" 

        by Marcus H.


hands of the earth

fingers of lava that dance with the ocean

wind, water, fire, earth

etched in basalt faces

Elephant Rock wades into the spray

Stone Whale blows its spout

Giants stand seaward,    no ship can pass

beach above my head  

wave polished stones 

frozen in crystal rock 

that flowed a thousand years ago

a beach of black marbles 

that sing with the waves

a beach of boulders 

that I must leap across 

a boulder

a pebble 

a grain

how big am I?

where do I end?

I can feel that....

rounding the headland

beneath the cliff 

under the arch




where the ocean pounded 

an hour ago

listen to moon’s tidal heartbeat

and don't wait too long



see the world in a bowl 

an animal?

no a plant?

no a rock? 

squirting water

out of lips 

closing tight 

until the ocean kisses it again

ant crawl 

over the finger

animal trail through vaulted forest

ocean murmurs of cliff edge 

thick with bushes 

enter through their tunneled vein

scramble down a rock bed 

to water’s edge

sea peeks

through wall of pillars 

that touch gray cloud ceiling 

waves do not enter here

inches from the depth

I stand upon a table stone 

dinner scraps discarded there

am I alone?

whose house is this?

a head emerges

from still ocean


as my boyhood dog

with talking eyes 

speaks to my soul

We are all one.

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